In your opinion, what are the key factors in nurturing a developer


> It is very easy to monday-morning quaterback and second guess the
> decisions that were made in the distant past with perfect 20-20
> hindsight.  Some might even find it amusing to single out some of the
> participants and try to act as the judge, jury, and executioner of
> that person's reputation in the court of public opinion.
> But doing any of this is not terribly constructive.
> Building a community is hard work.  It doesn't happen according to a
> time schedule.  The code base that a community choses to form around
> may have more to do with timing, the demeaner of the participants,
> better alternatives not being very well publicized, or even dumb luck
> rather than technical merit.
> But in the long run, the code base with the strongest community
> generally emerges as the one with the most viability.  And in the
> process will tend to gather those important secondary characteristics
> that we all value: quality, robustness, and a large user base.
> - Sam Ruby

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