John McNally wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 20:38, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>>On 4/30/02 11:31 PM, "John McNally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I do not know where to locate Turbine's original charter and I think it
>>>is a good idea to try to follow it.  Are these published somewhere or
>>>should Turbine maintain it in its own documentation?  However the scope
>>>of a subproject is likely to grow/evolve over time.  Velocity does
>>>provide at least one servlet that allows it to be used to develop a
>>>webapp independent of any other framework.
>>I think that's stretching 'webapp'  I guess tomcat does the same thing as it
>>supplies servlets...  :)
> Well I would not be bothered if tomcat had developed a build system that
> it packaged as an independent entity with the idea that it might be more
> generally useful. Tomcat is a large project and they certainly could
> have had the itch. And if they promoted it occasionally what's the big
> deal. 

Where do you think we got ANT from?  That started with Tomcat as a
subproject and then became its own project.


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