Ted Leung wrote:
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

If XML.Apache is willing, as it seems, to cater for this project, I'll wait for a vote from them, an ACK from the Bea guys, and start preparing the hatcher :-)

I'm happy to invest some time in helping XMLBean get throught the incubator -- speaking with my XML PMC and ASF member hat on.

The idea of moving XMLBeans to incubation under the XML project and with the assistance of Ted gets a +1 from me with some caveats :

1. Current XMLBeans committers need to be comfortable with this resting with the XML project in the first instance. Note that I would hope that the umbrella project could be changed prior to exit from incubation if the feeling from the committers was that it should be.

If the initial preference is Jakarta then please indicate! I'm definitely not trying to push a line here, and it's easy to switch the vote over to the Jakarta PMC :>.

2. Committer issues that have previously been discussed will need to be worked through during incubation (although that's really what incubation is about :>).

+/- from other XML PMC members welcome.

Further discussion also welcome!


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