Bob Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While there are numerous programs created in the world using Microsoft's 
> various
> Basic, they were produced in spite of the language not because their Basic
> was a great tool.  It was, at most tolerable.  I used a lot of Basics in the 
> late
> 70s and through the 80s, and Microsoft had a high suckage factor.

I'm trying to be generous to Microsoft, so I don't sound rabid about
my anti-Microsoftism.  Maybe we would have all gotten free, open
source interpreters of BASIC or Logo or FORTH or whatever with our
computers, if the misanthropic Bill Gates hadn't interjected himself.
(Actually I did end up with free FORTH.)

To me the worst thing about early Microsoft BASIC was that there was
no such thing.  There were Microsoft BASICs, mutually incompatible
with each other.  Even the Level I BASIC and Level II BASIC of the
TRS80 were stunningly different from each other and incompatible.

xtrs works for me in AMD64.  I don't remember how I emerged it ages
ago, but probably you just have to set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86 ~x86".
There isn't much point to it, though, because I don't have any
software for TRS80 anymore, unless you count some ancient hardcopies,
and I'm not a game player, and so don't miss any old games.

"I have directed that in the future I sign each letter." -- Rumsfeld

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