On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 15:35 +0200, Martin Ehmsen wrote:

> How about a website/blog hosted on www.gentoo.org pr. project and a 
> little tool for posting on such a website (ala echangelog). I don't have 
> the time to set something like that up on my own, but I would use it if 
> it was given to me.
> I work in text-markup and we don't do much high profile development, but 
>   I would like a way to tell users about what we are doing even though 
> it would only mean a post pr. month or so.
> But if I need to spend time and energy on setting such a thing up, then 
> it will never happen.

Excellent. Thank you Ehmsen.
If it looks like there is a bit more interest from both camps I will
certainly make sure we look into what we as userrel can do to implement
something, and in which ways we can make it easy to use, and non time

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