On Mon, 22 May 2006 14:59:03 +0200
Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > "While it is desirable that the primary package manager be
> > maintained on official gentoo infrastructure, under the control of
> > gentoo developers, it is not required. During the path to becoming
> > the primary package manager, the package manager maintainers must
> > be asked if they would like their project to be an official Gentoo
> > project. All rules about projects apply. The package manager
> > maintainers have the right to refuse such an offer if there is a
> > team of at least 3 Gentoo developers that understand the package
> > manager source code and are willing to deal with bugs, testing,
> > feature enhancements, modifications, and integration."
> First of all, I'm in limbo on this. Certainly not dead set against
> it. If this were to be used, I'd like to add the following line: "At
> least 1 of these three must be actively involved in the development
> of the package manager".
> Could others please provide input on this question.

So far this seems the most reasonable wording of that paragraph
suggested, with or without your modification. I'm still unconvinced of
the general approach taken by the GLEP (see my mail in the previous
thread), but if the categorisation is to be made I'd like to see that
paragraph replace the current.
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