On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 13:29 -0400, Peter wrote:
> As an example, there is a kernel source build I've been playing with. I
> know, from the kernel team, it will never, repeat NEVER, get onto the
> portage tree. they want no part of it. However, the bug is widely
> followed, and if Sunrise were to be a home to it, then these bug readers
> would be able to continue to work on the project. Why should it just waste
> away on bz? See bug # 103354 started by Scott Jones who did most of the
> work on it. This kernel source is also tracked on the gentoo forums.

Using your example, if it will *never* make it into the tree, then what
is it doing on *.gentoo.org infrastructure?

The authors are more than welcome to host this on their own.  There's
absolutely zero reason for us to "support" it in any way, including our
infrastructure, if there's absolutely no way that it will *ever* make it
into the tree.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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