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Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> Using your example, if it will *never* make it into the tree, then what
> is it doing on *.gentoo.org infrastructure?

OK, I'll speak up. I plan on using overlay.gentoo.org for the perl team
overlay repository. dev-perl alone has 600+ ebuilds - we are at the
point where we are only adding those modules that have specific support
requirements (makes foo work, etc). But there are plenty of packages
we'd love to add, but don't have the manpower/resources to do it.
Catalyst comes to mind - awesome take on the rails phenom, but the size
and volume makes it tough to fit into our tree, and its one of the first
things I plan on putting up in the overlay. As for the next bit:

> The authors are more than welcome to host this on their own.  There's
> absolutely zero reason for us to "support" it in any way, including our
> infrastructure, if there's absolutely no way that it will *ever* make it
> into the tree.
I don't have the resources to support it somewhere, simply put. I don't
have a server somewhere I can point users to, or the kind of friends
that will run an open svn (or whatever) on their boxes and host my
overlays for me. Plus, this gives me/us a place to combine our
resources, our overlays, into a cohesive whole. Some of it may make it
in the tree one day; some not; some of it has too small an audience to
add the requirements of maintainership to it - but at least it would be
going somewhere.

Just my two cents. Not sure about sunrise, but I'm all behind the overlays.


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