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Hi Chris,

Chris Gianelloni wrote:
| What we *are* arguing against is having something in a
| non-project-specific overlay, that is not maintained by the project in
| question, and has *specifically* been rejected by the project in
| question.  This sort of thing should *never* make it into the sunrise
| overlay, since it has been rejected.

I don't agree that the principle you're putting forward here is one that
actually exists in Gentoo.

Packages are grouped into herds, which are managed by projects.  If a
package doesn't belong to a herd, then it doesn't belong to the project, and
other developers are free to take ownership of the package and include it
into the tree.

A great example of this are web-based applications.  The web-apps project
does not own all the web-based packages in the Portage tree.  There are many
such packages in the tree that are managed by developers that are not part
of the project.  The web-apps project gets to decide what happens to the
packages grouped in the web-apps herd, but we neither have the right (nor
the desire) to tell other developers that they can't add web-based packages
to the tree; nor do other developers require our permission before adding
packages to the tree.

What they _do_ need is our permission before dumping packages into the
web-apps herd.  If a developer doesn't want a package in our herd, then he
doesn't need our permission to add the package into the tree.

That said, there obviously has to been a level of pragmatism.  If a project
recommends that a package doesn't belong in the tree because it is dangerous
to users, then it would be irresponsible of developers to go against this
advice without good reason.

But otherwise, if you don't want a package in your project, it's no longer
your package to make decisions about.  You've declined stewardship of the
package, leaving others free to take on the package instead if they wish.

| Please people, be sure you're actually commenting on the issues at hand,
| rather than just adding noise.

Is that really fair?  What's noise to you isn't noise to everyone else.

Best regards,
- --
Stuart Herbert                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo Developer                                   http://www.gentoo.org/
~                                           http://blog.stuartherbert.com/

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