Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
Hiya all,
As some of you are already aware, I was at the last Council meeting
given a Task. This Task was to draft a proposed Code of Conduct for
Gentoo, and a scheme for enforcing it. The current version of this
proposal can be found at
comments and suggestions both on- and off-list are appreciated.

Any input will have to be received by Thursday, 15 March, 1200GMT in
order to be useful; the Council will be voting on it later that day at

I would like to thank a few people for their help in getting it to this
stage: the council for review, spb for translating Christelsk into
English (with the help of the OED), nightmorph for making it look
prettier than plain text in vim (without a fancy colourscheme), and
marienz for being sane and reading it over.
I'd also like to thank our Infrastructure team for working with us and
answering questions regarding the mechanics of enforcing such a code.


Having lots of experience in this I feel I can bring some constructive criticism here.

It is written in a manner that has no direction. It is far too tentative and as such comes over as suggestions rather than a set of rules that one has to adhere to. The language should be changed so that /these are the rules and these are the consequences/ For example: "Acceptable behaviour: Things that we do want to see" should be changed to something like "This is what Gentoo considers to be acceptable. Any posts not adhering to this will subject to deletion and poster may be subject to removal from the subsequent information channel."

It is necessary for everyone to know exactly where they stand because any ambiguity can be used by those who wish to disrupt and so far that has caused many users and developers to leave.

If you want an example see the rules I made for the userreps forum. If you need any help, contact me.

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