On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 11:27 +0200, Martin Schwier wrote:
> So, these are my proposed changes for the default desktop profile:
> +bash-completion
> +bluetooth
> +ffmpeg    (totem isn't much without it)
> +libnotify (gives very nice popup notifications in many programs instead
> of an annoying, workflow interrupting dialog box with an OK button)
> +ppds      (everyone has a printer, and this is needed to configure it
> without further investigations. cups is already in)
> +startup-notification

Well, we don't add local USE flags to the default profiles unless there
is a *very* good reason.  I really don't have a problem with any of
these being added, but I'd rather hear the opinions of my peers.

Also, if these *were* to get added, they wouldn't be added to the 2007.0
profiles and would wait for 2007.1's profiles, which we should be
starting up some time soon.  I usually ask for these sorts of
suggestions over on the gentoo-releng mailing list near the beginning of
our release cycle.

> -fortran   (not 1% of the desktop users need fortran and it speeds up
> the compile)

... (I have no comments on this one)

> -kerberos
> -ldap

These aren't going anywhere so long as they're needed for proper Active
Directory connectivity.  I added them for a reason and don't really
intend on removing them.  As I said, I consider the ability to
intercommunicate with Active Directory to be a *vital* capability for a
desktop... any desktop.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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