On Sat, 2007-09-22 at 08:01 +0100, Steve Long wrote:
> > I've already stated my preference for not doing *anything* outside of
> > merging packages in the stages.
> With respect, this is a little confusing. I didn't get past the learning
> curve for catalyst, but it's clearly not the same as simply merging
> packages, or you wouldn't need a special tool.

The tool does things like setting up the chroot.  The code run by
catalyst to get a stage3 from a stage2, not counting things like chroot
setup, is "emerge -e world" just like going from a stage2->stage3 by
hand.  Anyway, you don't really need to understand it, as I do, and
vapier does.  If you're really interested, learn a bit about catalyst.
Uninformed opinions help no one.

> It seemed to me that a clean, *simple* solution which would work for any
> future packages that might also need this functionality was proposed. Why
> not just use it? It's only one command, and the standardisation would mean
> users could rely on the mechanism for system recovery.

Uhh... what does adding "emerge --config" have to do with catalyst?
There's nothing stopping vapier/anyone from adding the emerge --config
steps to the ebuilds.  I simply said that I'm not wanting to add code to
run those to catalyst for the reasons I have already stated.  In no way
does that impact the usefulness of the config code for end users.  It
only affects what goes into the stages.

> Or am I missing some deeper technical implication?


Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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