Santiago M. Mola wrote:

I've been talking about it with some users and everyone agrees that
they would like to have such an interface...

What do you think about? Would it be easy to integrate it with
packages.g.o or should it belong somewhere else? Do you think this is
a suitable project for SoC?

I like the idea, although it is a bit redundant with bugzilla. One thing that would be nice is better workflow management. Right now it would be nice as an arch dev to be able to get a list of all stable requests that have been checked by an arch tester on my arch - that isn't simple now. We used to keyword bugs STABLE or TESTED but I don't think that anybody is doing that any more - and it breaks down when you have 7 archs CC'ed on a bug anyway (which one is tested?).

The fundamental issue, though, is that keywording obscure packages is not trivial. I cringe when I see a stable request for some dialup networking package - I doubt many devs even own modems these days.

A tool like the one proposed could even raise questions about how more obscure packages should be maintained. Maybe all interested users could subscribe to a package and then vote on when they will go stable. If 66% of users interested in a package vote that a package is stable then a dev would have discretion to just keyword it without any testing at all (obviously this would not be done with critical packages, but the world isn't going to end if autopano-sift breaks down on some edge case). It also gets users more involved in the QA process and is a little less "cathedral" like...
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