On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rémi Cardona wrote:
> >
> > +1 on that idea, using bugzilla with an external tool for keyword
> > requests is a good idea.
> >
> > The tool could do bugzilla research to see if the keyword has already
> > been requested and point the user to the corresponding bug report,
> > hopefully limiting the number of dupes.

Definite ++ here..

> It would still be nice to have better status tracking in bugzilla - some
> way for ATs to officially mark that stuff is tested in a way that can be
> easily queried (so that ATs can find stuff that isn't tested, and devs
> can find stuff that has been).  The issue about hard-to-test packages is
> really a separate one, but one that could use a solution...

This would certainly help coordinate AT efforts. Couldn't this also be
done by searching through bugzilla? Maybe with an "official" keyword,
or some sort of flag we don't otherwise use? (I'm not intensely
familiar with bugzilla internals.) Keeping it all in bugzilla seems
best, if possible.

An additional suggestion: what about some way for ATs to indicate that
they are currently testing a package? Testing can take a while, and
occasionally I've tested packages only to find that someone else had
already taken care of it. Coordinating that on bugzilla or the mailing
list as is would be cumbersome, and IRC is hit or miss. Not sure how
this could be implemented, but that's what a SoCer is for (hey, maybe
me, I'm planning to apply!).

Aaron Mavrinac

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