Peter Volkov a écrit :
В Чтв, 28/02/2008 в 21:49 -0500, Richard Freeman пишет:
Santiago M. Mola wrote:
What do you think about? Would it be easy to integrate it with
packages.g.o or should it belong somewhere else? Do you think this is
a suitable project for SoC?
I like the idea, although it is a bit redundant with bugzilla.

Exactly. It's not convenient when we have stabilization requests in one
place and problems with packages to be stabilized (or even stable on
some archs) reported in another...

Stealing ideas from the recent discussion of KISS in -security ml[1]:
May be it's better to have such keyword application as an interface to
bugzilla. This separate web/cli/gui program will add/update/search bugs
in bugzilla and e.g. Status Whiteboard field could be used to track
status of the bugs... Also such implementation would move forward KISS
project too.

+1 on that idea, using bugzilla with an external tool for keyword requests is a good idea.

The tool could do bugzilla research to see if the keyword has already been requested and point the user to the corresponding bug report, hopefully limiting the number of dupes.


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