Aaron Mavrinac wrote:

This would certainly help coordinate AT efforts. Couldn't this also be
done by searching through bugzilla? Maybe with an "official" keyword,
or some sort of flag we don't otherwise use? (I'm not intensely
familiar with bugzilla internals.) Keeping it all in bugzilla seems
best, if possible.

I know that the amd64 team used to use the "STABLE" and "TESTED" keywords to indicate that an AT felt it was ok to keyword stable or ~arch respectively. I guess that practice went away. It doesn't work so well on bugs with 5 archs CC'ed though. Maybe we need STABLEAMD64, STABLEX86, etc.

As an AT I used to run queries all the time looking for bugs that weren't keyworded STABLE/TESTED and which otherwise looked like they needed AT attention. I still check the corresponding developer query for stuff keyworded STABLE/TESTED with amd64 CC'ed...

There are definitely some easy ways to improve things that don't require code changes...
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