Richard Freeman wrote:
> On the other hand, this is a big change from the present, and I'm not 
> convinced that it will actually be a big improvement over some of the 
> other EAPI ideas being floated around.  However, it is a 
> potentially-neat idea...

Rich, interesting thoughts!  But yeah, I agree that for now that is a lot.

My idea for the "#!" thing was much smaller-scale and is a way to add simple
syntax to allow declaration of the EAPI in the file with no sourcing and no
filename extension mangling (plus, no pre-source/post-source issues):

Just have one "shebang-like" line in the header before any real bash code
("#!EAPI=3", "#EAPI=3", or whatever is agreed-upon).  This is out-of-band meta
info, so it's OK that it's in a "comment".  It's ignored by bash, but it can be
read trivially without sourcing.  To accelerate things for the tree (I've seen
others mention this idea too), store the EAPI in the portage cache when it is

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