Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Tue, 10 Jun
2008 15:00:18 +0100:

> On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:49:04 -0400
> Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 4) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild, but in a manner that does not
>> require sourcing using bash (ie comment at top of file).

> - it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.

No comment, except that it should be cached after the first one, so the 
second read should be a memory read.

> - it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs

I don't see this.  Putting it at a defined place in the ebuild and 
parsing it pre-source nails down the problem such that if a future format 
change is further incompatible, a primary EAPI can be defined that 
defines a further extension, a second line to look at in the ebuild, some 
external file, the filename, whatever, for the additional sub-eapi or 
whatever detail, much as extensions to various Internet RFCs have done 
when they've wanted to extend beyond what would fit in the then-current 
definitions.  It does little to restrict the ultimate combined
primary/secondary EAPI, where the primary simply defines where and how to 
look for the secondary.

> - it makes comments have meaning

Only if we choose the comment format, and then no more than shebang and 
similar solutions do.  In the latter case it's an already recognized *ix 
solution.  In the former, it's entirely possible to use a backward 
compatible EAPI= simple assignment that can be pre-parsed, and use the 
sub-eapi (minor part, in terms discussed elsewhere) if necessary to 
further define it using functions or the like.

That said, I don't see the big deal to putting it in the file extension, 
when we're already breaking traditional content-defines-type rules by 
decreeing .ebuild extensions in the first place.  I'd personally like to 
keep it a one-time fixed extension change, if only to force some 
discipline on the proliferation by forcing each new change to be 
reauthorized, meaning it's /really/ needed or it's simply not worth the 
trouble, but really, the precedent was already set when we accepted 
metadata in filename with the .ebuild thing in the first place, so 
there's little reason to fight it now, unless the proposal also 
eliminates that, and backward compatibility with it.

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