On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Zac Medico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This new RESTRICT=live value would be useful in at least a couple of
> ways. One is that it could be used to implement a @live-rebuild
> package set that's based on RESTRICT instead of INHERITED [1]. It
> could also be used to implement a more accurate LIVEVCS.stable check
> in repoman, again based on RESTRICT instead of INHERITED [2].
> We already have plans for more advanced live ebuild support,
> including live update detection, that will involve an EAPI bump [3].
> However, the RESTRICT=live value is a simple enhancement that we can
> add now, without the need for an EAPI bump. Thoughts?

For some of us in the peanut gallery it'd also be nice to document the
pitfalls of grepping inherited to determine if it's a live ebuild
(update-live-ebuilds has done it for years, fairly successfully..).
Granted it's not clean, and yes, as a secondary check you may need to
check for SVN_REPO_URI or else. This is also acting like people are
going to follow this convention, which even in a perfect world means
people will tend to forget this or not even know they're supposed to
put it.
 "I've got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell." --
Christopher Walken

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