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On 07/09/12 07:45 AM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> [ Snip! ] Note also how the foo-related things, the bar-related
> things etc cannot be grouped together by their fooness or barness,
> but are rather grouped by their DEPENDness and RDEPENDness.
> [ Snip! ]
> So here's what DEPENDENCIES solves:
> Firstly, it allows developers to group together foo-related
> dependencies and bar-related dependencies by their fooness and
> barness, not by their role. [ Snip! ] *** It does it by replacing
> the concept of "a package has build *** dependencies, run
> dependencies, etc" with "a package has *** dependencies, and each
> dependency is applicable at one or more of *** build time, run tme,
> etc".

And this is the specific point that I don't like about DEPENDENCIES
versus *DEPEND.  As a developer, I personally find it much more
straight-forward to fill in the deps needed for each role, rather than
specifying the role(s) that each dep will play a part in.

Although I realize that technically I could still do that (have the
dep list be role-centric rather than dep-centric), given that the
point of this change is (as stated above) to organize deps the other
way, I can't really get behind the idea.

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