I actually do like the concept but I'm not sure we can reach consensus
about '*DEPEND vs DEPENDENCIES'; a possibility to get people used to it
could be to have two parallel EAPIs, like 6 and 6-dependencies, where
the former will keep the old style and the latter use DEPENDENCIES.

After some time has passed, it could be decided to kill the less useful
one, say in EAPI 8, and get only one 'latest' EAPI again. This decision
doesn't need to be left only to the council, but since it affects
everyone it could be a vote from all the dev community.

There is also the possibility that a consensus will never be reached
and that the two styles will have to live forever, but after all, the
EAPI concept is made for this.

Given this possibility, a debate 'I perfer *DEPEND' vs 'DEPENDENCIES are
more flexible' doesn't make much sense now. What should be discussed is
the concept itself.

For example, what is the HDEPEND equivalent for DEPENDENCIES ? exherbo
documentation doesn't seem to mention an equivalent label.


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