
I got a clarification on irc that I would like to respond to, and I'll
also respond to a couple of other things.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 05:26:10PM -0500, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> I have been looking over this bug for some time attempting to find a
> good solution [1].
> The original proposal is to add a "want" dependency which would work
> like "need" but would not fail if the services wanted did not start [2].
> I agree that the "want" dependency is a valid feature request. However, I
> believe there is a better way to handle the issue in the original bug.
> Basically, I want to follow the suggestion in this bug instead [3].
> My concern about the original proposal is that it will make netmount try
> to start all daemons that handle file systems, whether or not they are
> actually necessary.
 It was pointed out to me that, if the want dependency was implemented,
 fstab could be parsed and want dependencies could be added for the
 specific network file systems needed.

 The trend seems to be moving away from relying on fstab contents, so I
 would rather not add more code that uses fstab unless it is necessary.

 Besides that, this approach still does not solve another issue I want
 to solve with separate mount tasks -- you can never know if a mount is
 successful or not because netmount and localmount must always return

Concerns about the migration path and preserving legasy behaviour
because people may not want to switch to the new system were brought up
as well.

I'll address the migration path first.

I understand that some semblance of localmount and netmount will have to
be around for a while until we fix the dependencies in our other

I haven't figured out yet whether localmount and netmount should be
rewritten as wrappers or left as they are for a couple of releases.

I guess the easiest might be to leave them as they are for a couple of
releases, but I'm not sure yet what the affect on the mount script will
be if the mount script tries to mount something that has already been
mounted by localmount or netmount.

Either way, I'm thinking about adding deprecation messages to them to
encourage service script authors to move away from them to depending on
the specific file system mounts they need.

Now I want to separately address the argument about preserving legasy
behaviour just because it is there.

Please understand. I'm not saying this to be sarcastic, it is an honest

I think providing a transition period to move to using new behaviour is
perfectly reasonable, but I have a hard time understanding why old
behaviour should be supported indefinitely, especially since users also
have the choice to not upgrade packages if they need the old behaviour,
and even more importantly, if the new behaviour is an improvement over
the old behaviour.


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