On 14 August 2015 at 05:37, Ciaran McCreesh
<ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Uh, the point of the 'pretend' bit in the name is that it *is* run when
> you do emerge -p.

It is strange really.

It does them *after* prompting "yes" with --ask

Whats the point of that?

Granted they are very slow for me now with the KDE5 stuff having
virtually every package doing pkg_pretend, so I see why avoiding them
before the --ask might be beneficial.

But I'm not sure how beneficial it is to give me a merge plan, ask me
if I want to do it or not .... and then find out some use flags are
unworkable *after* pressing yes.

( I recently filed bugs on quite a few python packages because they
were being resolved in pkg_pretend when they could have been resolved

Maybe if we could fix *this* wart about pkg_pretend, it would be more
viable as a competitor to REQUIRED_USE ?


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