>>>>> On Tue, 15 Dec 2015, Mike Frysinger wrote:

> On 14 Dec 2015 21:22, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
>> The spec seems incomplete. I cannot find a description of the user and
>> group files' format. (But in fact, there is a standard format which
>> suggests itself, namely that of the passwd(5) and group(5) files.)

> i recall going with xml at the time, but i can't find reference to it.

So the package manager would have to parse XML? We have tried to avoid
that, so far.

>> Also having whole directory trees seems wasteful and doesn't fit so
>> well into the existing design of profiles. It might be simpler to put
>> "user" (or "passwd") and "group" files directly in the profile.
>> (If directories are really needed, we could use the scheme foreseen
>> in [1] for package.* and use.* files.)

> we implemented this GLEP in Chromium OS and have been using it for a while:
> https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/eclass-overlay/+/master

> having a directory of files is way more user friendly imo and allows for
> a format that is easier to read.  /etc/passwd and /etc/group format are
> not that easy to scan and aren't portable.

As we most likely will introduce profile file directories in EAPI 7
(see bug 282296), I'd rather use the same scheme for the user and
group files, but not something different.

>> Also a mechanism how a subprofile could undefine a user or group
>> defined in its parent seems to be missing.

> what exactly do you mean by that ?  you want to make it so attempts to
> use the account yield an undefined error ?  or you want to have it so
> a child can revert back to an earlier definition ?

The former.


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