On 2017-05-24, Michał Górny wrote:

> On śro, 2017-05-24 at 03:48 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 08:41:25AM +0200, Micha?? Górny wrote
>>   Note where I said "...posted on Gentoo-User for comment...".  What I'm
>> asking is for such proposed changes to be posted on Gentoo-User, and the
>> discussion/feedback/flamefests/etc will be on Gentoo-User.  This type of
>> surprise stuff seems to happen a lot in Open Source...
>> * Gentoo /usr
>> * Firefox Australis UI, and dropping ALSA and going PulseAudio-only
>> * GNOME getting a hard-coded dependancy on systemd
>> * etc, etc
> And what would be the use of those 'user comments'? Do you believe it
> would change anything? So what is the purpose of asking more users from
> feedback *we do not want*?

Is this the official policy of the Gentoo project?

Nuno Silva

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