On 24/05/2017 12:24, Michał Górny wrote:
> On śro, 2017-05-24 at 03:48 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 08:41:25AM +0200, Micha?? Górny wrote
>>> Next time such a thing happens, the discussion will happen on a
>>> completely private media or not happen at all because of the state
>>> of this mailing list. Is this what you really want?
>>   Here's the part you did not quote...
>>>> If we could have a guarantee of proposed changes like that being
>>>> posted on Gentoo-User for comment, rather than being sprung on
>>>> users by surprise, I'd be willing to sign off this list.
>>   Note where I said "...posted on Gentoo-User for comment...".  What I'm
>> asking is for such proposed changes to be posted on Gentoo-User, and the
>> discussion/feedback/flamefests/etc will be on Gentoo-User.  This type of
>> surprise stuff seems to happen a lot in Open Source...
>> * Gentoo /usr
>> * Firefox Australis UI, and dropping ALSA and going PulseAudio-only
>> * GNOME getting a hard-coded dependancy on systemd
>> * etc, etc
> And what would be the use of those 'user comments'? Do you believe it
> would change anything? So what is the purpose of asking more users from
> feedback *we do not want*?
> Would it make you feel better if you were asked to raise your objection?
> Would you feel better claiming that we did it against objections of many
> users? Or do you believe we would abandon it and decide not to do
> anything because of the resulting bikeshed -- which seems to be
> a recurring theme lately?
> Yes, I *do not want feedback* on *how to do Gentoo* from people who do
> *not help me do Gentoo* but instead only complain and demand.

I can't let this one go.

Michał, Walter is a long-term high-quality Gentoo-user and does not
deserve to be told what you just said above.

Please get your act together and stop treating other people as worthless

You are annoyed by someone or something, that much has been obvious for
a long time now. I can assure you, Walter is not the correct target for
your annoyance. Please deal with the correct source.

Alan McKinnon

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