On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 00:49:33 +0000
Dhruba Bandopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello
> I wanted to get an expert and informed consensus on what command line
> interface tools are well suited to each of the following purposes
> which may well mean what you use. My current choices have been entered
> but please feel free to add your own with a comma in between.  Also,
> if you feel any categories are missing please add them!

Well here are mine:

# Email: mutt
# News: inn
# Browser: links2
really cool with svgalib and X support!
# File manager: cp,rm,mv,etc. sometimes mc
# Games: frotz
# Chat client: ysm
# IRC: bitchx
# Sound mixer: aumix
# Editor: vim
# Diff: diff
# Read file: cat,less,more
# Transfer file: scp,ncftp
# Compression: tar,gzip,bzip2
# PDF creation: ghostscript, latex
# txt2html: homebrew txt2html program
# Term: xterm
# Partitioning: fdisk
# System info: lsof, top, cat /proc/*, cat /var/log/*
# CD writing: burncenter
# Gentoo: portage, gentoo-stats, gentoolkit, epm
# Others: [EMAIL PROTECTED] client, iptables, unzip, unrar, unace, mpg123,
fbset, bootsplash, and of course cmatrix :-P

> Please note that this is not to compare CLI with GUI but merely to
> gain a better perspective on CLI usage.
> Many thanks
> -- 
> The big question is why in the course of evolution the males permitted
> themselves to be so totally eclipsed by the females.  Why do they
> tolerate this total subservience, this wretched existence as outcasts
> who are hungry all the time?
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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