i have a 10gb ext2 partition for it already, it's going to share a 2gb
swap  partition with my other distributions, i was more thinking about
what would have to be set up to get an environment closely enough
resembling the one you get from booting from a stage1 cd and how to get
it all started.

On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 16:37, Andrew wrote:
> On 22 Mar 2003 16:26:26 +0100
> Lars J Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how would i go about installing gentoo from within another linux(in
> > this case mandrake 9.0) on another partition without rebooting?
> > 
> > it takes about 10 hours to install on this thing and i don't want to
> > be offline that long if i can avoid it, also the last two times i
> > installed gentoo 1.2 they failed(at different computers and differenrt
> > places in the install), might have been duo to the overloading of the
> > rsync servers tho, anyway the point is it's pretty irritating to sit
> > around and be offline for 10 hours if it doesn't work anyway.
> > 
> Use your imagination.. skip the partitioning and go from there. Simple.
> After you're done with the rest, THEN move onto the partitioning...
> again, thought is required. You'll probably want to resize whatever
> partitions you currently have, and free up ~1gig for gentoo, then you
> can remove those partitions after.
> Good luck!
> Andrew
> --
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