On 2003.06.23 20:48, Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:
Threading the messages is a good idea since it alleviates information overload. However, what good threaded email clients are there? So far I am using mozilla mail 1.4_rc2 which is the only competent and fast threaded email client I have found with good IMAP support. What do you use?

I used mozilla mail as my mail client from 0.9.5 until balsa introduced gpg support. It is a very nice client, but I prefer firebird as a browser, which meant I couldnt check mail and browse the net at the same time. I use thunderbird when stuck in windows.

Balsa has good threading support, and imap support is adeqate, but is still more than usable.

-Chris I

The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
                -- Noelie Alito

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