-----Original Message-----
From: Heschi Kreinick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] No usb mouse support, after 12 re-compiles.
Missing modules? USB support proper also fails...

Did you mount /boot before you copied the kernel?

Of course, thats how the new kernel gets booted.

It's hard to debug this because you haven't given us much information. What
do you mean, "all show
up in dmesg"? The exact output would be useful.

Yeah it would be helpful if I had the exact output.

What do you mean, "the modules are not available"? There's no reason that
modules should not be found,

No kidding?

unless you're running a different version of the kernel than you installed
the modules for.

absolutely not.

What does uname -a give you?

Whichever kernel I have booted at the time I ran the cmd. I'm switching
between the latest unmasked versions of xfs-sources and gaming-sources.
Gaming-sources kernel is what worked for me before the reinstall. Same exact


The one thing for sure is the MS optical mouse lights up @ boot when the
kernel works. Doing the exact same method of kernel configuration, should
result in the exact same functions from the kernel.

When I install usb mouse support modularly and try to load insmod,modprobe
the drivers. A few result in error with the box saying no such modules
exist!? Why I don't know, I told them to be compiled.

I don't get it. I will update this message when I re-compile this kernel. Or
when I get someone who seriously wants to offer help. Not asking me if /boot
is mounted.

Lets start with the non-moronic reasons this might not be working and work
are way back to am I an idiot please?;)

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