William Hubbs wrote:
Here is an addition to this.

I just ran your commands, and the only packages that were omitted by --deep were net-ftp/ftp and sys-apps/netkit-base.

As I recall, these were part of the system profile at one time, but they have been removed.

Is it possible that the qpkg -I -nc command is catching orphaned packages which are not in the world file, system profile, and are not a dependency of anything in either place? If that is the case, why would you need a package that is in that category? Or should a package in that category be added to the world file?

That's interesting. Did they appear as updates (U) or new packages (N)? If they appeared as updates then you must have them installed. Otherwise, they would appear as new packages. My inclusion criterion is simple. If it is installed include it in updates list when using this new switch regardless of how they relate to other packages. If not installed exclude it. I don't know how those two packages have been included if they are not even on the system.


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