Heschi Kreinick wrote:
But, you ask, how do I get rid of them? That's what dep-clean is for. It's
in gentoolkit. Run it. I clean my systems out like this: emerge -C
`dep-clean -U -C|grep /`

I'd never tried dep-clean before, and this post motivated me to look at it.

A "dep-clean -U -C" shows about 21 packages, most of which I manually emerged or I know for a fact are depended on by another package I emerged manually. In fact some of them are in the world file so I have no clue why dep-clean thinks they need cleaning, but it's also strange that some I emerged manually are not in world.

It looks like the few packages I emerged with "USE='x86' emerge ..." are not added to world

A handful of unstable packages I emerged after moving the ebuild to PORTAGE_OVERLAY_DIR and changing ~x86 to x86. These show up in world, but are on the list from dep-clean -U.

I also hit a minor snag with 'qpkg -I -nc'. The gkrellmwireless package was moved from net-wireless to x11-plugins, but the DEPENDS and RDEPENDS in /var/db/pkg still pointed to net-wireless, which was causing qpkg -I to bomb out.

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