On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 09:38:10AM +0100, Angel Gabriel wrote:
> Imagine this sales pitch between MS, and Linux.

Imagine anything in the Linux community approaching the slickness and
effectiveness of Microsoft Executive Circle magazine, a publication
aimed at industry decision-makers.

Most in the Linux community have not the slightest clue how Microsoft
reaches the business world. Sales pitches don't sound like this...

> MS Guy to director of finance in big company:
> Yes, we have a team of 60 developers activly working on our office suite
> Linux Guy to same:
> We activly have 20k people devloping OUR office suite

... they sound more like this:

  MS: Here's how businesses use our technology to make their sales forces
  more effective.

  Linux: We actively have 20k people developing OUR office suite.

Now really, which do you think is more effective at reaching your director
of finance?

Nathan Meyers

> MS Guy to director:
> We have a support service that is very low cost, and out telephone staff
> are specially trained to answer and question
> Linux Guy:
> Our support is free, from the people that actually write our software,
> not from people that are trained to answer support queries
> MS Guy:
> Our software is avalible in most retail outlets
> Linux Guy:
> Out software os avalible anywhere with a net connection
> MS Guy:
> FINE, go get linux then!!!
> If only this happened in every major industry, linux would take over!

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