Thus spake Mark Knecht on Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 08:31:46PM CDT
> On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 15:40, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
> > bzImage doesn't contain the system symbol map, but the symbol map is
> > frequently used to translate numeric locations in bzImage into symbol names
> > for debugging purposes. isn't required.
> > 
> > The file /usr/src/linux/arch/xxx/boot/bzImage gets copied, usually, to
> > /boot/vmlinuz when one builds a kernel, so they're the same file, really. 
> OK, so for a couple of years I've made a consistent 'mistake' because I
> almost always do this copy by hand, but I never rename it. So the
> bzImage files in my /boot directory, by convention, should really be
> named vmlinuz, but I haven't been doing that.

It's really a no-nevermind.  You can call the file in the /boot directory
whatever you want to, as long as it agrees with the grub or lilo reference
to it in their config files.
> > > Do `make vmlinux` instead of `make bzImage` - they should be in the
> > > source root. (They may actually be there after doing make bzImage - have
> > > a look - but that's what you do if you don't want the compressed image.)
> Does 'make vmlinuz' make an uncompressed kernel?

# make vmlinuz
make: *** No rule to make target `vmlinuz'.  Stop.

It don't compute ;-)

> The other 2/3's are where do the and config files come from? is created by the kernel build (make bzImage).  Generally you can
copy it to your /boot, along with your kernel image and if it's needed to
put human-readable names on numeric kernel addresses, it'll be found there. 
Several programs use it, ps being one, I believe, but it's not mission
critical.  It may now be included in the bzImage created by a build, but I
don't know if every program that might use it knows to look for it there.

The config file, actually .config, is created by the kernel configuration
process (rather than the kernel build) and contains all your kernel
settings.  If you have a configuration you want to save off so that you can
build an identical kernel somewhere else, with all the same options, just
copy it to a fresh kernel tree somewhere and do a 'make oldconfig', or run
'make menuconfig' and and save your changes if you want to modify anything.

Gentoo kernels create /proc/config which is the contents of the config file
used to generate the kernel.  Even if you wipe out your kernel tree you can
just copy /proc/config to .config in a new kernel tree and you can reproduce
the running kernel.

> If they are created by the above set of steps, then are they under
> /usr/src/linux somewhere after I've built the kernel?

Yes, in the root of the source tree.

Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |     PGP public key
FMP Computer Services |       if you let it" |      available at
512-259-1190          |    (The Roadie)      | <>    |                      |

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