You're welcome.

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 19:30:31 -0700
 Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 19:06, Brett I.Holcomb wrote:
You haven't made a mistake.

Brett & Collins.

You say mistake.

Actually, this is one very nice feature of Gentoo vs. Redhat. In Redhat
/boot was always mounted, so if I made a mistake and ran 'make install'
I could overwrite an existing kernel. I like having to mount /boot by
hand when I'm ready to copy it, just like you.

Yes, I like it too. It's part of what I like about Gentoo!

Got it. Thanks. As Collins pointed out, and I checked it to be true, is created and is in /usr/src/linux after my build, so that
is answered.

If I would have bothered to edit the config file in /boot I would have
figured out that is is the .config file used when I built the kernel. I
suppose again that 'make install' copies it over. I could do that by
hand also.

It must be a copy of .config from /usr/src/linux. It's not recommended to edit this by hand. Use make menuconfig to do this.

So, actually, thanks very much for helping clear up a few small
mysteries for me today. I've been building kernels off and on for a
while, but since moving my home studio main desktop machine, first from
Win XP and then from Redhat, to Gentoo I've gotten more attuned to build
code much more often. Under Redhat I built very little code. Gentoo is a
different experience.

Yes, Gentoo is a very nice experience! If you want you can really learn about Linux with it.

Thanks much,

You're welcome!

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