--- Heschi Kreinick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically an initrd is a completely different filesystem. This step in the
> boot process is trying to turn the filesystem from this:
> / = / on initrd
> into this:
> / = / on root volume
> /initrd = / on initrd
> by doing mount /dev/whatever /new_root.
> then pivot_root /new_root /initrd
> It's like a chroot, but not quite.
> So your problem is that it can't remount / on the initrd to /initrd,
> probably because you haven't created the mount point. So it fails by not
> remounting the initrd....in short, it unmounts it.
> So yes, it's not a problem, and yes, you can ignore it, and no, it has
> nothing to do with reiserfs. Read linux/Documentation/initrd.txt for more
> details.
> -Heschi

Thanks for the repsonse Heschi. All that I was doing was following the Gentoo ~x86 
install guide.
Specifically in the configuration of the grub.conf portion.

I will read up on initrd. So is it safe to assume that I can safely remove that line 
grub.conf or is this message coming from how the kernel was compiled by default with 

Kernel setup has:

Grub.conf has this line in it: (per the Install documentation)
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-2.4.20-gentoo-r7 


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