Hi Al,

Thanks for your advice

# find . -name 'openoffice*' -maxdepth 2

Then what command shall I issue to install them

1) emerge -k openoffice
2) ./openoffice-bin

I'd imagine it would be emerge -k openoffice... have a look on the
online package database at the descriptions of both. Will probably give
a better indication. 2) should be emerge -k openoffice-bin I think

Ok.  I will try
# emerge -k openoffice-bin

Unfortunately, there isn't a web based search. You can do:

emerge search <searchterm>

As another poster suggested (I didn't know this, but then I only started
using gentoo on friday!).  Once you know which section it's in, you can
go and have a look on the website for more details, e.g. with sc, type:

emerge search sc

I did
# emerge search kde > /tmp/kde-search

according to Jon's advice. I attached 'kde-search' file to my reply to Jon earlier.

will give you a whole list of things with 'sc' in.  In amongst these is
app-office/sc, so go to http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/pkgs/index.xml and
click on app-office, then sc.  This will give you a few details,
including the developer homepage etc.  In most cases, I think you can
bypass the clicking by doing (e.g.)

Actually sc is a lousy example as there a lot of things with sc in their
name, so you'll get lots of results.  In this case you might want to try

emerge search sc | egrep '^\*.*\/sc$'

# emerge search sc | egrep '^\*.*\/sc$'
* app-office/sc

- snip -

Try this and see if it makes it any clearer:

echo net-www/mozilla > mylist.txt
echo net-www/w3m >> mylist.txt
echo kde >> mylist.txt
emerge -p `cat mylist.txt`

Should say that it would install a whole lot of packages!

then do:

emerge `cat mylist.txt`

emerge `cat mylist.txt`  displays a long list of
[ebuild  N  ] kde-base/kde-3.1.4

and it'll go off and do it. The advantage of this is that you can
prepare a whole lot of packages that you want it to compile and then
leave it for a long time, rather than having to be at the computer or
going back every hour or so. Get a nice long list of everything you
want and then leave your computer to build it all over the weekend or

However I hesitate to install kde from net because of my slow PC. I don't know how long it will take. I am in anticipation to use the pre-compile kde packages on CD2

- snip -

What command shall be used? I have all tarballs copied to /usr/portage/packages/ALL/

emerge packagename

where packagename is something like "kde" or "mozilla" or
"app-office/sc" (without the quotes).  Adding a -k before the package
name will try and use a binary if it's available.  In many ways this
defies the point of gentoo though, as it's supposed to be a source based
distribution (makes things run faster).  Also, -k only installs binaries
if they're available, otherwise it compiles from source.

That's about all I can think of, if I've missed anything or said
anything wrong, hopefully someone more knowledgeable will pick up on it
and correct me.

I think the key thing when you're installing gentoo (which hopefully
I'll finish eventually!) is to be very very very very very very very

Noted with thanks


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