On Sonntag, 23. November 2003 07:21, Chris wrote:

> For those who dont know a pc can be cracked in as little as five minutes
> even on a dialup.

Yupp. With a wrong configured firewall it takes one minute.  If the lowbrow 
user installs a firewall, it is an open door. If only trusted services 
listening on a dialin interface, why the need for a firewall? It make no 
sense to block ports where nothing is listening on. 

If someone openes a port, i hope he knows what he is doing. If he wants 
that this port is listening to the world, he has also open it on the 
firewall also. The firewall is no protection in this case.

The only reason i can see if a user starts services without knowing what he 
is doing. And such a user is not able to handle a firewall propertly 

So give me a reason why a dialin user should use a firewall?

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