dont bother run a firewall, just look around what services you run, if
you open ports to all your services the firewall only takes cpu, you
could use nmap, a port scanner to see open ports, and be sure to run the
latest version of the daemons, to keep secure, for example, i run
pureftpd, its a fairly secure ftp daemon, and the newest openssh and
apache2 should be secure too, so i dont have a firewall for that, but
then i installed nfsd, which is known to be "not so secure", so now i
run iptables blocking for everything exept ftp, ssh and apache from
outside, and from LAN i have everything open.

On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 03:40, SMS WebMaster wrote:
> Hi
> I have only one PC (laptop) and my internet connection is a dial-up so I 
> am not online all the time.
> I don't think I need a firewall because I am not running any servers 
> (only apache and only the local IP can access it ).
> Some friend told me that I must run a firewall to protect my PC , Do you 
> think I have to do that ?
> Thank you
Regards, Redeeman
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