--- "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------- quoting Joshua Banks ----------
> > As root:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin # /usr/bin/xpdf /home/jbanks/501302.pdf
> > /usr/bin/xpdf: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3:
> cannot
> > open shared object file: No such file or directory
> This file belongs to package openmotif.
> I would suggest you remerge that package:
> $ emerge x11-libs/openmotif
> ... and retry to start xpdf afterwards. Please report success or
> failure.

Matthias, I did an "emerge sync" and then "emerge -uD

It's emerging 6 pkgs. So this is going to take alittle bit on Dial-up.

Please teach me what you did here:

> This file belongs to package openmotif.

I'm assuming that you used "qpkg". But what options and arguments did
you use. If you didn't use qpkg, then what?


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