--- collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As simple and friendly as this recommendation seems, I get really
> tired
> of hearing only part of the story.

I here what your saying. But as you'll notice, allot of times its a
mystery as to why things need to be re-merged. Maybe your response will
provoke a lurking Gentoo Guru to respond with something meaningful or
enlightened info for us all. Heh..Heh.. :P

The reason I only posted part of the story is because, thats the only
part of the story that I know of. WHY.... this happens is a mystery..

> There are so many posting threads that read:
> Q. What do I do for <pick in a problem>
> A. You need to emerge <pick in a package> again
> Q. Why didn't it get emerged properly the first time?
> A. ??????
> Why in blazes is it necessary to re-emerge packages?  I almost never
> see
> this problem on my system.  Is there a common problem here and thus a
> common solution?  What is the rest of the story?

I do find that when I upgrade my kernel I have to re-merge "xfree-drm"
for some unknown reason. I'm about to upgrade to 2.4.20r8 and I'm sure
something will need to be re-merged.
> I can understand when the USE variables must be changed, but why are
> there so many recommendations to re-emerge without any obvious
> changes?

The funny thing is that I don't mess with any of my use variables. So
who knows. I would like to know the same things that your inquiring

Please open a thread and ask. Heh... Heh.. :D


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