Eric Paynter wrote:
> Dan Egli said:
>> I am trying to emerge KDE. But everytime I do it starts compiling
>> arts  which then dies in the conifg script saying unknown STL
>> type.
>> 'configure: error: "no known STL type found - did you forget to
>> install  libstdc++-devel ?"'
> There is an open bug (I don't have the number on hand) that suggests
> you re-compile gcc to fix this. I'm doing that right now, but it
> takes some time so I don't know if it will work... anybody else do
> this yet?
> -Eric

Any chance you are running "~arch" rather than "arch"?  The default "stable"
gentoo tree seems to create the libraries (which contain STL) and the
headers correctly.

Tom Veldhouse

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