Hello Billy,

Friday, January 21, 2005, 7:36:00 PM, you wrote:

BH> while this is a good security measure, you have to realize that the 
BH> authority file for root is not always .Xauthority. Maybe it is, maybe it
BH> isn't.

Snipped a load of stuff.

Since I joined this list I've discovered the true meaning of the words
"Digress" and "Tangent". Someone asks for help and then the whole thread
spirals off and digresses in all manor of different tangents none of which
bear any relation to the original problem .

Every time I see the topic heading I'm waiting for I get all excited
thinking someone is going to tell me a solution or a peek and poke (Flash
back to Commodor 64 days there) that will get my ATI card working properly
but every time there is only reference to something that is already sorted
and a big debate about the best way of doing it.

Please forgive my anxiety but  xhost + worked, I don't know what I was
supposed to do with it, all I needed to do was not log in as root but now,
rather than address the initial problem the whole thread has digressed onto
a topic about, well I don't know what it's about,I've lost all orientation.

I suppose I should be used to it, my Missus does it all the time :)

Anyone know how to get the new ATI drivers working properly?

Pretty please :)

The Bat!
Registered Linux user #316959
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