Bo Grimes wrote:
Bill Davidson wrote:

Yes, you can do this. In fact, if you follow the alternate install guide in the gentoo handbook, you can install gentoo from your other distro.

Thanks to all for the input thus far. I knew I could dual-boot, because I am, but I have never run two Linux versions on the same drive, but it doesn't sound vastly different, so thanks again for the help, especially some of the partitioning examples.

Regarding the above, I have been reading the handbook and saw that possibility. My primary concern right now isn't to just get Gentoo running; it's to get a real Linux education. Would installing from my current distro accomplish that just as well, y'all think?

I would definitely suggest this path. That way you can have a window open with the handbook. If you have a laptop or another machine that might do but I would install this way next time (you won't be reinstalling gentoo very often, that is for sure!).
Installing Gentoo, in any manner, will teach you more about linux in a day than you would learn in many moons with anything else (except maybe LFS, but that wouldn't take a day!). Just get stuck in. It is one of those never look back things. Have a bootable (knoppix or the Gentoo livedisk) handy in case you install over the bootloader. I have never really been interested in Grub cos it is more complicated than lilo, and lilo has never given me any probs at all (I always install to mbr as well).
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