Great! Thanks Nick. That is just the sort of information I was looking

Obviously I need to get a bit more used to where to find documentation
on gentoo. I am used to being able to use 'man -k' to find most system
documentation on BSD, with the addition of 'texinfo' and 'locate' since
experimenting with linux...

Is there a 'package' that will make all the standard documentation
available on my local system, so that I have it when offline?

Anyway, I have read through the document that you have pointed me
at, and created a separate runlevel for what I know as run-level-5
as follows:
 cd /tmp/runlevels
 mkdir fullxdm
 for i in `ls default`; do  rc-update add $i fullxdm; done

But I am still left with a couple of questions....

Where the document desribes making the 'offline' runlevel, I would have
expected that to have included instructions to update /etc/inittab so
that the new level would be associated with a numeric runlevel as
  l0:0:wait:/sbin/rc shutdown
  l1:S1:wait:/sbin/rc single
  l2:2:wait:/sbin/rc nonetwork
  l3:3:wait:/sbin/rc default
  l4:4:wait:/sbin/rc default
  l5:5:wait:/sbin/rc fullxdm
  l6:6:wait:/sbin/rc reboot

What is does show is how to specify a new 'runlevel name' as a soflevel
kernel option in /boot/grub/grub.conf - which is apparently bypassing
the numeric runlevel specifications, and seems to result in the system
starting in a runlevel which, if 'telinit' is used to change to something
else, there is no way to use 'telinit' to return to the initial level.

And it is not clear to me what 'who -r' should return after booting
with a softlevel kernel option in this way. Can a numeric runlevel
be specified as a softlevel?

One other question that springs to mind, related to the 'offline' example
in the runlevel documentation - what is the 'approved' way of handling
the situation where a different configuration is required, rather than
just addition or deletion of a complete package?

The typical example is a laptop used at home and work, with different
networking configuration (IP/domain/nameserver...) required for each?


On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 11:56:44PM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
Digby R. S. Tarvin                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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