Matthias Bethke wrote:
Hi Antonino,
on Friday, 2005-06-03 at 19:42:48, you wrote:

This does not answer you question, but probably could be a partial
solution: have you considered cloning the hd of the 'first' machine
and then copying it to the hd of all the others? g4u for instance
could be used for this purpose....

Yup, that's what I've been doing with the SuSE boxes so far: install
one, turn on auto-update via my own fileserver, then copy a compressed
image to the fileserver using dd, gzip and ssh, and from there to all
the workstations. The troubles don't start before you change anything in
the config...

So you're actually trying to reuse even the compilation work performed on
the 'first' (let's call it 'master') machine and avoid compiling on all
the others when you do an "emerge --update world" for instance?
If there were such a script that could copy the binaries and the new
files to all the other machines I would probably not trust it! :)
I'd try to automate as much as possible the update process, possibly
by keeping sincronized the configuration files of all the machines (but
this is to be done on a per-file basis!!) and/or triggering an "emerge foo"
on the other machines as soon as you do an "emerge foo" on the master.
I must admit that I see this process difficult to "understand" and to
debug in case of errors or misbehaviours....
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