Jason Weisberger wrote:

Couple of things to note:

The geforce 210 is not even powerful enough to do 1080p blueray playback. Might want to consider a minor upgrade if you are going to do anything entertainment-wise on this system.

Consider doing the ddr 3 system for longevity. If you do end up getting the ddr 2 motherboard and ram, the AM3 socket 945 x4 will fit in and run with the AM2+ board, however AM3 and ddr3 are the current standards and at least the next generation of amd processors should be backwards compatible with that socket.

Also, I do slightly disagree with the previous author recommending an 800 watt psu with the configurations you posted. That wattage should be recommended for a bleeding edge single gpu system and a bleeding edge processor. 500-600 should be enough for your needs as long as it's a quality part.

I'll check and see if I can find something better video wise. To be honest tho, I don't play video except for youtube or something like that. By BIG game to play is Kpatience.

I must admit, I am seriously leaning to the Gigabyte build. It is a bit newer but not to pricey. I have read that DDR3 is faster and we all know that you only need one bottle neck.

I do assume that the Gigabyte mobo, CPU and ram do match up OK? That is the big thing for me. I used to read Computer Shopper and keep up with the sockets types and such but I haven't done that in a long while. I don't want to order all this and then find out the CPU doesn't fit the mobo or that I can't put that ram in because of the HUGE heatsink. I guess newegg would let me swap something within reason tho.


:-)  :-)

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