On Tue, 05 Jul 2011 15:43:36 -0500, Dale wrote:

> >> Then again, that is yet another option to have to remember too.
> >> Jeez. 
> > That's why we have EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS :)

> Yea but I don't always want it to unmask packages either.  If I was 
> going to let that be the default,

I thought we were talking about a switch to set the filename to use. That
could be set to a default without turning on autounmask-write.

> I may as well run ~amd64.

That does seem a simpler approach, but this is about unmasking, not just
keywording. autounmask is useful to those running ~arch too.

Neil Bothwick

ASSISTANT MANAGER: Feminine form of the word manager (q.v.).

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