On 6 September 2011, at 10:12, Alex Schuster wrote:
> ...
>> Just to make things clear, I utterly detest cups, with its arrogance,
>> its wierd, non-standard, and its non-text-based configuration.  Surely
>> I'm not going to be faced by the choice of abandoning libreoffice or
>> using cups?
> ...
> I never liked CUPS, but then, at least there is some interface
> to configure its options. I don't do much printing anyway, so I can live
> with that. Well, seems I have to.

There's something about the *idea* of CUPS that I think I disliked at one time.

Isn't CUPS really bug and bloaty and horrible?
It has it's own web-interface, which one doesn't seem able to disable - why 
can't I just configure text files?

When I actually installed CUPS, it worked perfectly almost straight out of the 
box. Probably less effort and more reliable than printing on any other o/s I've 


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