OK.  Just picking a random reply so this is not just for Peter K.

This opened a HUGE can of worms.  I made CERTAIN I have backups of
things like /home and multiple backups of my .mozilla directory.  After
that, I booted the USB stick thingy.  It's the sysrescue one.  Anyway.
I repartitioned sda to like I wanted, including putting all but / and
/boot on LVM.  I did the usual file system creations and mounting.  Then
transferred everything over.  ALL that went well enough.  Might I also
add, it is much faster on SATA.  ;-)  I edited fstab, grub.conf and all
that to look for the updated things.  I had my ducks beak to tail.


Uh oh !!!!  Crap hits the fan, BIG TIME.  That thing is still looking
for the old partition sda3 for / just like when I was trying to boot off
the sdb drive. This thing had errors everywhere.  The kernel loaded but
everything else failed, miserably.  Heart sinks.  Lots of chin
scratching.  Then some banging head on wall.  Then I booted the stick
thingy again.  I had a brain fart.  Who here remembers me saying I tried
to use the init thingy that the kernel builds itself and couldn't get it
to work?  Let's see those hands please.  Yea, that sucker was still
there.  I forgot to remove it since it didn't work.  < slaps forehead >

This explains a LOT of the problems I was having with dracut too.
Basically, dracut and the kernel built init thingy was duking it out
behind the scenes.  We didn't know that.

My fix was to rebuild the kernel with the kernel built init thingy
disabled.  I still got a couple errors tho but it did boot pretty well.
 May have a new thread for that, if google don't help.

How's that for a head slapper?


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
how you interpreted my words!

Miss the compile output?  Hint:

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